
Monday, 6 March 2017

Thoughts about blogging


My previous experiences with blogging...
I've Blogged before now and then, during my primary days but now since I'm grown up I've forgotten how to. My experience, I really don't have one, and i never enjoyed it but it's life

How Blogging impacts my learning...
Blogging today has a massive impact because people post up things that they've learnt and it can help those who need information, they can look up others post. It impacts my learning because it helps me store memories and after a couple years, I can come back to it and see what I've done in my college days.

What I enjoy about it...
There's really nothing i enjoy about blogging to be honest, it's really not my thing. probably the only part
I enjoy is posting my work seeing what I've done and the aftermath of it being published.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about blogging Ivan. So you enjoy seeing your 'work' published, is there anything particularly you like to post about? We will be blogging often this year, so I would love to know what you enjoy to post about. Miss D

Unknown said...

Your honesty about not liking blogging is very refreshing, Ivan. Perhaps you could buddy up with a friend who enjoys blogging and work together for a while.

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