In today's lesson of P.E I had to participate in a fitness circuit where I had to do 3 sets of bicep curls, use the rowing machine, Lunge jumps, Cycling, Russian twists, bur-pees, Medicine ball squats and a agility test. 2 of those sets were for 45 secs and the last set was for 20 secs at each station.
My level of effort I grade myself is a merit. Why? During the time of participating I co'operated in all of the activities from the rowing machine to the agility test. I did them within the given time, and when I had to move from station to station. An example was when I did the Russian twists and once the 45 secs were up, I moved onto the next which was bur-pees. I also helped a friend when he needed it and worked hard during the fitness circuit.
Injury/illness- Challenge+ Fitness+
Injury and illness affected my participation during the fitness circuit because at times when i'd be in the middle of a workout my sickness would get in the way, which would cause me to stop. An example that occurred was when i did bur-pees and in between the set of bur-pees i'd always have a break because my sickness would get to me. Challenge had a positive affect because many of the activities where hard only because I was tired. But during the breaks i regain my energy which allowed me to pull through them all.
Fitness had a positive affect on my participation because I was fit for all of the activities, for an instance when i'd feel tired throughout the workout i'd always pull through it and keep pushing.
In the future something I can do to increase my participation is being healthy and not ill so i can last a lot longer.