
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

200 challenge

Today in PE I participated in an activity where we were in groups of 2 and had to do a number of 200 squats, ab crunches and 20 runs.

The level of effort I rate myself is a merit because I felt like a gave it my best. I encouraged and motivated my partner to push through the activities because at times he felt like giving up, for an example when he was doing the ab crunches he only had to do 5 more and was already tired then but he came through. During the course I had a lot of fun and never gave up. I pushed through the activity accomplishing the 200 squats, ab crunches and 20 runs.

3 factors Challenge+ Friends/Classmates+ fitness-

Challenge had a positive effect on my participation because it was hard trying to complete this 200 challenge which I liked because I always love a challenge. I felt tired after doing 100 ab crunches but still I pushed and at the end of the session my partner and I completed the challenge. Friends and classmates had a positive effect on my participation because the support of my partner and friends made me want to keep going and so i did, an example was when I got tired but my partner said for me to keep pushing. Another was when i was doing great and my friends said "keep up the good work Ivan".

Fitness had a negative effect on my participation because for parts of the 200 challenge I felt like I couldn't complete it because of being so tired and unfit but still my partner and I came through and completed it.

In the future something I can do to increase my participation is too ask even though I'm tired if my team mates wants me to do part of his work for him like doing more runs or squats etc.   


Wednesday, 14 June 2017


A large team game played between 2 teams, kioma and taniwha on a large circular field. Played for 4 quarters or 2 halves of a set time, teams alternate roles of Kīoma and Taniwha at half or quarter time. Kīoma score by touching Pou/s with the Kī (for potential points) then running the Kī through Te Roto and placing it down in Pawero to convert pou touches into points. Kīoma stop the other team, Taniwha.
Taniwha score by hitting the Tupu with the Kī. Kīoma will have Kaitiaki (guardians) around the Tupu to stop Taniwha from hitting the Tupu. Depending on which variation is being played, Taniwha must stop Kīoma from scoring by either touching, 2 handed touch, ripping the tag or tackling them in the appropriate area.
The level of effort I rate myself is an achieved, reasons for this is because my performance was really poor due to the fact that I was cold and the ground was muddy so it was hard to maintain grip. But throughout the time playing I got better. Before I got better I was not showing rise values throughout the game because I was cheating and this why I rate myself an achieved because I bounced back from that and did well. During the end when I bounced back from my mistakes I defended my opponents and scored points.

Equipment- fun and enjoyment+ fitness-

Equipment had a negative effect on my participation because I did not treat it with respect, an example was me hitting the brand new pou's and it almost broke. Moving on fun and enjoyment had a positive effect on the game I enjoyed it a lot, reasons for this was because I was playing as a team member sharing the ball, I thought my performance was great and so was others. Fitness had a negative effect, signs that showed this was when I was kind of lazy on defence and when I couldn't be bothered chasing.

Things I can do in the future to increase my participation is to reduce my stamina so I do not get tired while playing. Another one is trying to play to the best of my ability and lastly playing fair according to the rules.           

Ultimate Frisbee

In this game of ultimate, the aim was to try and score with a completed catch in my opponents End zone. In teams of 5 the rules were that if i'd drop the frisbee or miss the catch and goes out it would be a turnover. Another rule was that no one can run with the frisbee and if so like i said earlier it'll be a turn over.

The level of effort i rate myself is an achieved reasons for this is because 1, My attitude for the game was not as bright as usually 2, I complained about playing outside in the cold/windy whether and 3 I feel like my performance was not as good as i could've been. This is why i feel like my level of effort is an achieved.

3 factors Equipment+ fun and enjoyment- fitness+

I felt like todays participation went really well, first of equipment i contributed well with helping pack up, I had all the right equipment to participate in the game and had everything I needed including a frisbee/band/team. fun and enjoyment, I enjoyed the game but the only thing that stopped me from enjoying it as much as i could've was the whether. The reason for this is, it was cold and windy and playing in these conditions makes it hard to cope but I still managed to pull through in the end.

My fitness in this game was great, didn't really tire out and got better and better throughout the time.

In the future something positive I can do is probably not moan and just play the game. Another is to have fun while playing and move around a lot more so I can get a goal in the End zone or goal assists.        

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

muscular system

What are 3 types of muscles in the Human body?
1. Cardiac
This is a heart (involuntary) muscle that beats continuously.    
2. Skeletal
This is connected to the skeleton to form part of the mechanical system which moves the limbs and other parts of the body.
3. Smooth

A Muscle tissue.

The agonist and antagonist muscles?
these muscles occur in pairs as one muscle contracts the other relaxes, an example is the tricep and bicep when lifting dumbells movement is elbow flexion. the antagonist is the muscle extending which is the tricep and the agonist is the muscle contracting which is bicep.

In this activity what we did was labelling the skeletal and muscular system.